What A Wonderful World

Untitled Artwork 11

This photo was shot on the south side of Terre Haute with my iPhone. I took this originally for the sunset and was frustrated about all of the power lines. Then, as I looked at it, one of my favorite songs came to mind. I thought I would turn the electrical lines into the few bars of music from the song.

We can either look at things and grumble or look at things differently and come to peace with the world around us.

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Frank Deardurff

Art and Music has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Mostly in the form of drawing but of late a lot of digital art. Being able to have my iPad and Apple Pencil with me most of the time gives me an outlet to draw, paint, doodle and write as the spirit moves me. Thanks for taking the time to visit my personal site as I share what I love to do.

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